Sunday, May 25, 2014

Confession of a Bridal Consultant #1

Confession of a Bridal Consultant #1

At the beginning of my bridal consultant career many years ago I have one particular embarrassing story that can make anyone blush.

The scene was a younger me in my freshman year of college. I had been working at this exclusive bridal shop for maybe three months, if that. It was a small shop, but one of two in town. Business was pretty regular and I had just started flying with my own wings and not needing to shadow my peers during appointments.
I start the appointment out with a bang. There were lots of laughs and good feelings being exchanged between the family and myself. We chug right along from gown to gown, and she just didn’t love any of them. The fourth or fifth dress I pulled was completely different than the other gowns she had been trying on. It was a dropped waist ball gown that was very form fitting. Her arms go up and I slide the dress onto her like she is a toddler. Like usual, the tight dress needs a little help going from the shoulders gown to the ground past the hips. A lot of layers got caught up around her rear-end so like usual I get on my knees and start to pull down layer by layer. I tell her what I’m doing before she says “take it off it doesn’t fit” because the gown definitely fits.

“Okay, enter brides name here, I am just going to start pulling down some layers that are caught.”
Pull, pull, pull, tug, tug, tug.
Time to reach up and get that last layer down where it belongs.
“Woooo! That’s my underwear!” says a violated bride.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” I respond mortified. And then continue to do the most awkward thing a consultant, or any human could have done…I pulled them back up for her!

This honestly could have ended very badly, but instead the bride laughed so hard she had to sit down next to me in this tiny dressing room to the point of tears. We both chuckled and hollered until management and the family decided it was time to come check on us. From then on the appointment was a breeze. She found her perfect gown for an amazing deal, and made an unforgettable memory with an amateur bridal consultant.

That is just a taste of my embarrassing confessions as a bridal consultant. So let’s play a game: send me in your awkward experiences as a bridal consultant or even a bride and we can all snort and cry together at our inner bridal confessions. I will post one submission a week and maybe even come up with a cool name for the posts. “Way Awkward Wednesday”? “Totally Shouldn’t Tell Anyone This-Tuesday”? maybe send me suggestions for a neat name too.

Have a fabulous memorial day!

Your Bridal Consultant,

K.R. Woot

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